Home » OUTFIT | The Flu Fighter

OUTFIT | The Flu Fighter

by yukihigson

Yuki Tansengco

Dress up, Show up

You know what’s worse than a very long to-do list? A FLU that wants to be part of it! There is nothing more horrifying than get sick when you have lots of activities in lined – yikes!

Yuki Tansengco

On fighting the flu

As long as your sickness isn’t contagious, always try your best to still show up and do your deliverables. Here’s are quick tips to style yourself despite the flu bug. Haha!

Yuki Tansengco

CLOTLE white dress | Forever 21 heels

I already KNEW it – the sneezes, body pains, etc. I knew I was getting the flu but I have committed to attend events that week so I tried my best. One of which was the Optic White Dream Wedding Launch. So glad I have this handy LWD (Little White Dress) from CLOTLE! To see the other colors, like CLOTLE on Facebook!

Yuki Tansengco

H&M jacket

The dresscode for the event is to wear white, of course. Since I was down with the flu, I felt SO COLD in the most normal room temperature. Has that ever happened to you? So I grabbed this jacket on my way out since I knew I’d feel cold at the event.

Yuki Tansengco

Subtle layering

If you find yourself in my flu situation – no worries on breaking the dresscode during events. Layer your clothes smartly and make sure your cover-up goes in sync with your outfit. 

Yuki Tansengco

Abby Jocson silver clutch

What’s a better way to mix your white outfit with shiny metallics? I love how this clutch fits my items perfectly – including the event presskit. Haha! For more of her amazing designs, like her on Facebook and follow @abbyjocson on Instagram!

Yuki Tansengco

White as snow | Dress from CLOTLE

I really like dresses with high necklines. Gone are the days with the tops and dress with plunging necklines and short hemline combos. This is exactly the dress I needed for my wardrobe! 🙂

Yuki Tansengco

Mel’s collection infinity hand chain

Since the silver clutch itself was already a statement accessory and I’d probably be wearing a jacket most of the time (lol!), I wore this handchain. Get yours from Mel’s Collection!

Yuki Tansengco

Photos by Phya

What’s the best part about waiting? Taking #ootd shots with your best blogger friends! 🙂 Thanks Phya boo for taking my photos. Check out her awesome blog!

Yuki Tansengco

Yuki Tansengco

I hope you like my Flu-inspired outfit.l Haha! How do you fight the flu? Let me know what you think! You can also follow me on Instagram via @yukitansengco! 🙂



(Photos by Phya Pineda)

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