Home » The Bucket List: 5 Ways To Make Life Funner Than Ever

The Bucket List: 5 Ways To Make Life Funner Than Ever

by yukihigson

As a curious 20-something year old, I always look for fun new things to experience. I believe in investing in experience rather than material things so I created a simple bucket list that’ll surely make life more fun. Check it out!


1. Attend music festivals or concerts

If you’re the type who doesn’t like to party at night, consider getting yourself a ticket to an upcoming music festival or surf event. This photo is from Wanderland Festival way back and even if I was a newbie unfamiliar with some artists, I had so much fun because the lively energy was so contagious. It was so cool cos we even got to enjoy the yummy flavors of Nestle Drumstick – butter pecan praline is my favorite! 🙂


2. Adopt and Rescue

If you’re thinking of buying a new pet, why don’t you consider checking out our local animal shelter? There are a lot of pets that need homes and adopting one is a big responsibility but so rewarding!


3. Explore nearby beaches and local destinations

People think I’ve been traveling far lately but the truth is, I’m exploring nearby beaches and mountains! Check out places like Calaguas, Sagada and Mt. Maculot for a refreshing hike – all of this is accessible by land and a reasonable budget. This is why I love the Philippines! We’ve got 7,107 islands all to ourselves.


4. Learn a new skill – like calligraphy

If you absolutely have no time to do the 3 things mentioned above, try something as simple as learning a new skill! Lately, I’ve been hooked on calligraphy classes ever since I met Fozzy (photo above) in an event. She taught me the basics and I had so much fun! I still have a long way to go but hey – I think the first step is finding out that it’s not as hard as it looks! 😉


5. Travel to an international destination at least once a year

It doesn’t have to be far and expensive, a trip to Hong Kong the second (or third) time around will still lead to new discoveries. The point is – travel while you’re young, while you still have the energy and curiosity to dare to try new things!

As Steve Jobs said, “Stay hungry, Stay Foolish.” How about you, what’s your way to make life #FunnerThanEver? 😉


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1 comment

Rejoyce Canaynay July 27, 2015 - 9:25 pm

If only I have the time and money, your list probably will be in mine too. hahaha! Thinking of doing an entry about my bucket list. Thanks for this Yuki!

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